

Designed by: iGEM Toulouse   Group: iGEM13_INSA_Toulouse   (2013-09-20)

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Results of BBa_K1132022 characterization

After 18 hours, clones containing the plasmid (BBa_J23116-TetR-pTet-RFP) show a leaky basal expression of mRFP. We suppose that the promoter was too weak to express TetR in large quantity. Assembly of a stronger promoter could improve the system and lock the response to an ON/OFF response.

Besides, an experience was done to analyze the effect of the aTc inducer. Result show a visible induction of the red fluorescent protein expression by addition of aTC (60 ng/mL).


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UNIQ7d5b9d662df7424c-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ7d5b9d662df7424c-partinfo-00000001-QINU